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I got diagnosed with Celiac Disease at the age of 6, at a time where very few people had ever heard of it, let alone knew what gluten was. I grew up with rice cakes as my gluten free option, was taught how to read the labels on everything I considered eating and called manufacturers to discuss the ingredients in their products and whether or not they were gluten free. For these reasons, nutrition and the ingredients food contain have been an integral part of my life. Due to this lifestyle, it seemed imperative that I go back to school to get my Master’s of Nutrition so that I could further my knowledge and help others in a larger capacity. Therefore, at the age of 34 and as a single parent, I went back to school at North Carolina State University and completed my Master’s of Nutrition degree. I have a very deep passion for health, wellness and balance and have a penchant to pass this information along to others who seek to know why I am the way that I am. My hope is that my story and experiences can help many others achieve a state of health, wellness and balance for a healthier and happier community.


Shanah Bell

Holistic Health Advisor