Why Should You Substitute for Sugar Substitutes?
Associated song of the day: Sugar Artificial sweeteners are a hot topic of conversation these days and everybody has an opinion. Even before I went to school for nutrition, I had plenty of my own opinions about sugar and their alternatives. I am happy to say that my...
What Is The DEAL With Deglutenized Beer?
Deglutenized beer has been floating around here in the States for quite a few years now and it has been drawing quite the attention since it came on the market. Now, I can’t say that I am one of the people who disagree with it, because I don’t. I have full...
Its a Green Tea vs. Oolong Tea Throwdown!
Tea has become one of my new favorite things as I have gotten older and my taste buds have matured. Or at least, that is what I like to think. I have never really been a huge tea fan, until a few years ago, because I really just like the taste of coffee. I always said...
Is All Coffee Really Created Equal?
This one is another topic that has come up in conversation recently, so I thought I would address it. I have some friends who have told me that they have issues with coffee, but only sometimes. The question they continually ask is why? Well, it is actually pretty...
Does Sugar Process Differently at Different Times of Day?
I know that we have discussed sugar previously on this site, and by now you should know my stance on it. However, a friend of mine came to me recently with a more in depth question about sugar and how it is processed in our bodies. What she wanted to know was whether...« Older Entries