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I have known for years now that the best source of Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 is algae. This is one of those facts that is important to know if you happen to be a vegetarian, like me. However, I admit that I was clueless about the rest of the awesome health benefits that algae contains. I don’t know why it took me so long to dive into the rest of what this superfood really contains, but I am so glad that I finally got off of my duff and did it. Because algae is simply amazing!
I know when people hear the term algae, they kind of get squirmy most of the time and crinkle up their faces at me. Don’t deny it, you probably did it yourself just now! But hear me out because you are really going to find what I have to tell you fascinating.
Before I even get into it, I know that a lot of you are just as scientific as I am and prefer to have empirical proof through studies and research. Well I have got you covered!
Here is a fairly long document with links to scientific articles and published studies showing the many benefits of algae.
But if you are looking for something more specific, then here is a list of certain things that algae has been studied to have beneficial effects on:
- Alzheimers Disease
- Cancer
- Depression
- Immune System Disorders
- Malnutrition
- Health in Children
- Athletic Performance
The two forms of algae that are most widely found and have the best health and wellness benefits are Spirulina and Chlorella. They are both very similar in their vitamins, minerals and nutrients but play slightly different roles in overall health. So let’s break down what each of them contains and what they are most known to assist with.
Spirulina has been around on our planet for approximately 3 billion years and was the first plant life here. That alone should say enough about Spirulina and its health benefits. But if that doesn’t quite do it for you, then here is the break down of the highlights:
- Protein – 64% (Highest concentration of protein in the WORLD!)
- Carbohydrate – 19%
- Fat – 6%
- Omega 3 (ALA) – .1 mcg
- Minerals – 8%
- Vitamin B12 – 16.5 mcg
- Vitamin B9 – 2.25 mcg
- Vitamin B6 – 33 mcg
- Vitamin B5 – 30 mcg
- Vitamin B3 – 1553 mg
- Vitamin B1 – 255 mg
- Vitamin A – 37,500 IU
- Vitamin K – 243 ug
- Beta-Carotene – 25 mg
- Chlorophyll – 86 mg
- Calcium – 30 mg
- Copper – 7.5 mcg
- Iron – 3 mg
- Magnesium – 36 mg
- Potassium – 113 mcg
- Sodium – 54.75 mg
- Zinc – 90 mcg
These are the biggies, but Spirulina contains more than just that. If you would like to read the entire list of what it contains to make it such a powerhouse, then check it out here.
This algae is known as an energy booster. So much so, that professional athletic teams are now giving it to their athletes to help keep their energy levels high and boost their performance levels. I can attest to the energy power it gives because it shot mine through the roof, and I really didn’t need any more energy than I already have. This is some pretty darn fantastic algae!
- Protein – 5 g
- Calories – 28
- Carbohydrate – 2 g
- Fat – <1 g
- Omega 3 (ALA) – .1 mcg
- Vitamin B12 – 15.1 mcg
- Vitamin B9 – 8.2 mcg
- Vitamin B6 – 6.3 mcg
- Vitamin B5 – 30 mcg
- Vitamin B3 – 1300 mg
- Vitamin B1 – 500 mg
- Vitamin K – 102.4 ug
- Beta-Carotene – 1.4 mg
- Chlorophyll – 68.6 mg
- Calcium – 13.2 mg
- Copper – 7.5 mcg
- Iron – 4 mg
- Magnesium – 28.8 mg
- Potassium – 102 mcg
- Sodium – 35.9 mg
- Zinc – 1253 mcg
As you can tell by the higher level of zinc, this algae is known for its great healing properties. Therefore, Chlorella is known as the Wellness algae. But, if you want to read more about ALL of the things that it contains, then check it out here.
Algae Benefits
I just want to highlight a few of the major benefits that adding algae into your life can do for you (since I know that it has helped me, my family, my friends and my clients in numerous ways):
- Assists with proper digestion
- Helps boost energy levels
- Assists with detox
- Helps build the immune system
- Assists with overall health and wellness
- Helps with hangovers!
- Assists with athletic recovery
- Helps lose weight
- Assists with stopping fatigue
- Helps stop hunger
- Assists building muscle
- Helps strengthen skin, hair, nails and bone
This stuff is simply amazing! I love both of these algaes, but I use the Chlorella more often, just because I don’t need the energy boost.
Energy Bits
Up until recently I preferred my form of algae in the shape of seaweed. But that was until I ran across Catharine Arnston and her company, Energy Bits. I heard about her on one of my favorite podcasts, Learn True Health with Ashley James. If you are looking for a podcast to listen to with a plethora of great holistic health advice, then I highly suggest you check it out. But be forewarned, she is from Canada originally and the accent has stuck with her, but I love it!
The Energy Bits algae comes in the form of little green tabs that you swallow. We like to take ours in the morning with our Calm Ionic Magnesium Citrate, followed up by a custom crafted tea and a little bit of coffee from our French Press.

Morning Ritual
The recommended dose is 30 bits, but so far we have only been taking 10 a day. I now split it up and take 5 of the Vitality Bits (50% Spirulina/50% Chlorella) and 5 of the Wellness Bits (100% Chlorella). This is because I found the energy boosting effects of the Spirulina to be too much for me, probably since my natural energy level is so darn high to begin with. After taking 10 of the Vitality Bits for 5 days I was ready to run around the house in circles I was so amped up. So I had to switch it up. This balance works better for me.
Bryan takes some of the Energy Bits (100% Spirulina) with him in the fancy travel tin that came in our Vitality Bits bag with him to work every day. He has found that taking a few of these before he leaves to go start picking up kids from school really helps him with afternoon sleepiness in the car.

My daughter eating algae!
And to make this even more compelling, I was even able to get my daughter (who is a REALLY picky eater!) to not only try them but ask me for them daily. What?! She now asks me to eat algae, but she won’t eat most other fruits or vegetables. Which is nuts, but I am not complaining if I can get these into her.
We even brought our Vitality Bits travel tin while we went on our vacation a few weeks ago. We got to the point where we didn’t have enough Vitality Bits for all 3 of us, so we had to ration.

My son loves algae!
I absolutely love this stuff and am so glad that I not only did more research on it, but found the Energy Bits company to source my algae from. I loved them so much, that I decided to become an affiliate, which I have really stopped doing. So if you decide that you want to give some of their algae a try, then please use this link put in this code (AdaptN) and you will get 20% off your order. And once you try their products, please let me know how you liked them and what health benefits you have seen.
Have you tried algae before? If so, what was your reasoning? If you haven’t, then what are you waiting for?