Why Should You Substitute for Sugar Substitutes?
Associated song of the day: Sugar Artificial sweeteners are a hot topic of conversation these days and everybody has an opinion. Even before I went to school for nutrition, I had plenty of my own opinions about sugar and their alternatives. I am happy to say that my...
I’m Gluten Free Now, So WHAT Do I Eat?
At this point in time, you should know that I have been living a gluten free life for a LONG time. For somebody like me, who has had Celiac most of her life, eating gluten free isn’t really anything different for me, nor is it difficult. But I run across people...
Why is ALGAE My #1 Total Health and Wellness Superfood?
I have known for years now that the best source of Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 is algae. This is one of those facts that is important to know if you happen to be a vegetarian, like me. However, I admit that I was clueless about the rest of the awesome health benefits that...
Its a Green Tea vs. Oolong Tea Throwdown!
Tea has become one of my new favorite things as I have gotten older and my taste buds have matured. Or at least, that is what I like to think. I have never really been a huge tea fan, until a few years ago, because I really just like the taste of coffee. I always said...
Were We Able to Keep a Leash on Our March Budget?
Here we are again! Another month down and time to go over how we did. The biggest question for us was whether or not we were going to be able to come close to the budget we planned for. So let’s check out how we did with our March budget. Last Month’s...« Older Entries